Monday, December 21, 2009

Bad Bad Poster (but i redeem myself with podcast recommendations)

I have been neglect this holiday season. A bit vacation to Florida and the holiday season creeping up upon us makes little time for blogging.

Today is Solstice. 4 Days to Christmas. AND we get to experience Kwanza this year thanks to our awesome friends. One of these years I would like to experience Hanukkah.

I am keeping this short but hope that soon a photo update will come soon.

In the New Year my hope is to get more on the homeschool ball but I say that every year ;)

My recommendation of the season is - Check out The Thomas Jefferson Hour (free) podcast found on iTunes. I am in love. My brain is so happy.

"Good Day Citizen!"

If you are a podcast person another is Speaking of Faith. Especially check out the Stem Cells, Untold Stories. Awesome and amazing!