Sunday, August 26, 2007

Male Doula

Another reason to absolutely LOVE Vince Vaughn!

"Talk about a guy who's money, Universal is all over Vince Vaughn following the success of The Break-Up ($205 million worldwide), and has decided to nail him down to a two-year, first-look producing deal with the studio. Vaughn helped produce The Break-Up, as well as brought Uni the idea for it, and so they feel there's a lot more where that came from. In fact, Vaughn's Wild West Picture Show Prods. has already lined up three features with the studio; all of which are potential starring vehicles for the actor. The first is a high-concept comedy called Male Doula. Based on Vaughn's own idea, the flick will be penned by Dana Fox. Since they're keeping this one under wraps, I decided to do a tad more investigating. What I found (via our sister site Parent Dish) was that a 'doula' is "someone who accompanies a woman in labor. She 'mothers the mother,' taking care of her emotional needs throughout childbirth." From what I've seen, a male doula is very rare, which immediately opens the subject up for tons of comedic potential."

link to whole article.

Professionally speaking this is good in my world. If it is not negative press it is good press! I dream of a day that any woman that wants or really needs a Doula but does not know it can have one or be hooked up with one.

I have picked up the book Born in the USA again and I am determined to truck through it now that Harry Potter is behind me. It gets my wheels spinning on the state of affairs in the birth world and where changes can be made for better outcomes that do not depend on the internal system. Doulas are a possible answer. Well trained, good hearted, positive, supportive doulas who love their work.

I have more to say but I feel like reading....


frog said...

Hey--was going to pop over last night but there was grilling happening when I thought of it, after which I jammied up and hung out at home...

Kim said...

i would love to see that come to fruition!