Tuesday, November 06, 2007

mental floss

i have two big projects due before christmas. that being so my mind starts to wander and procrastinate. here is where i go in that noggin of mine-

-i want to go get a masters in bioethics at MSU with intention to move on to a Phd to work towards ethical regulation of homebirth midwifery.... or something like that.

-i want to buy my ever coveted jewelers bench and fill my tanks to make jewelry again

-i want to quit all my jobs and be a stay home mom only

-i want to be a midwife assistant and maybe a midwife when my kids are older

-i want to travel teaching doula trainings

-i want to go get my masters in jewelry

-i want to live a while year on completely local and seasonal food.

-i want to raise goats

-i want to live in a yurt

-i want to interview senior citizen women and collect their birth stories

-i want to travel

-i want to be super mom

-i am very happy with my amazing family

-i am so happy my marriage is getting better every day

-i am happy with the work i do


Psychoda Press said...

I want to raise yaks!

Mid-life Midwife said...

I think you should put all items on your list on little folded scraps of paper and place them all in a fish bowl by the front door.
every morning, pick a new piece of paper and assume that identity (true or false) for the remainder of the day.
you know, just to try it on for size.

Kim said...

i love this..........

the injector said...

what will you be when you grow up? the constant question till the days we all die...

Christa said...

I thought of one thing you forgot to add to the list
"I want to drink heavily with Christa"
