Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mommy Resume

Among the many skills that I have acquired in my career as a mother I am now adding Amature Dentist.

You may remember a few months back I posted the monkey's front tooth that is coming in shark style (behind the still intact baby tooth). Well that baby tooth was not budging. I gave the monkey time to try to work it out on his own since he is terrified at the idea of a shot in his mouth. Finally I made the executive decision to call the dentist. I made an appointment for the extraction but did not tell the wee man about it. A few days later wee man came to it on his own that we should call the dentist, I later found out he was not completely convinced of his idea.

I did end up taking the monkey to the dentist, unfortunately it did not go as planned. He freaked out. It was frustrating because I just wanted to get it over with. He asked me to pull his tooth out because he really didn't want the shot and did not want to go to a dentist that he didn't know (a pediatric dentist).

Ok, I need to mention here that I was kind of peeved at my dentist during this visit. After I told the monkey that he was going to be getting his tooth pulled today and we dropped his sister off at a friends house, I told him I would be in the room with him - holding his hand or feet and sing to him if we wants. We talked about not looking at the shot and that it would not really hurt. We were waiting in the dentist office for our turn and they came and told the monkey it was his turn. We both stood up to go in and he walked on with the hygienist and the dentist stepped in front of me and told me to wait out here. I tried to tell her that he had had a traumatizing dental experience when he was three that he very much remembers and was anxious about this visit. She informed me that things go better without the parents which I understand but I told him I would be in there with him and they didn't let me talk to him about it. I found the poor communication with myself and my son disappointing and slightly infuriating.

Back to my career as an amature dentist. The monkey was serious when he asked me to pull his tooth out so that afternoon I got to work while watching noggin for a distraction. A yank here, a twist there, then I really put some weight into it and leveraged against his other tooth and *snap* part of whatever was keeping the tooth stuck gave. He yelped for a minute then looked at me and said "that was a good one mom!"

We are still working on it but it will come it seems.... soon. We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

ypsipearl said...

You are a very mature dentist.

So you'll pull other people's teeth out but you're afraid of Ebay?? Freak!