Friday, November 28, 2008

I know my limits.

Wednesday I had a fairy playdate for the bean.

We decided to make cookies - me and three 4 year olds making cookies. I am aware that I have control issues occasionally but they are usually not focused on doing things with the kids. Writing, art, even cleaning their rooms - I am pretty chill. But I have met my limit with cooking. I cannot cook with my or other children without getting twitchy. I love to cook and bake. I cannot even cook with my husband most of the time without a little bickering.

There was flour everywhere, everyone wanting to use the rolling pin and roll everything paper thin or cutting out monstrously thick cookies so some burn and some are underdone. Oh my goodness.

Luckily, I was able to identify my twitchies and step away and let the ladies do their thing. I came back to a mountain of flour and some messy ladies but they had fun. And inthe end they were all totally jacked up on sugar from the frosting.

A good day.


Stephanie said...

Good for you! That is usually the hardest thing for me too. I'm pretty territorial about my kitchen. But I've been trying to let the kids in more and more.
Sounds like it was a great day.

Zoe the Wonder Dog said...

When it came time to frost a cake last weekend, I stepped away and let another adult -- one without children and consequently lots of patience -- oversee the kids' frosting. They all had fun, whereas I would have been fussing at them for sure!