Friday, December 12, 2008

A wee update

I do find when I am off call it is a lot easier for me to focus in on the homeschooling part of our lives. There is something about the looming phone call that throws me off whack.

We are working on The Story of the World Vol. I. The monkey is working on his family history book. In this project it asks for pictures to be taped or glued on the information page of the family member but he like me cannot choose which picture to sacrifice to the project so we have decided to draw a portrait of the family member for now. He drew an absolutely awesome self portrait (unfortunately it was too large to fit in the box allotted in the book) I am also very into reading books by Audrey Wood at the moment. A very sweet one was When the Root Children Wake Up. I also loved Heckedy Peg.

The Monkey is also working on a landscape project - possibly for his playmobil but I am not sure. The base is a pizza box and other boxes are buildings. Yesterday at their recital the snagged those cone cups for trees.

Speaking of the recital - the kids had it yesterday. They were awesome! They were asked to participate in a project for students at the University of Michigan School of Music. It was a lot of fun. They were in the Christamas Carols group and even acted out T'was the Night Before Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised at the beans acting ability :) This winter the monkey will be old enough to do the local theater. We both are really excited for that. He has been wanting to do something like that for a long time. He is a super ham.

This morning we are off to swim at the A2 YMCA that I am considering joining but I am still on the fence. The kids love swimming and the more I get them in the water the better they will get. The monkey has until this summer to learn how to swim so he can take his scuba diving class. He is great under the water and can hold his breath for a long time it is just swimming on the water that flusters him.

Recently I was asked about homeschooling and our path. It brought up some of the misconceptions about homeschooling so in the near future I plan on talking a bit more on this topic.

But for now - We swim.

1 comment:

sheSaidC2 said...

being off call seems to be a good thing for you. You seem more more able to focus and less exhausted, always good things. I have to say I am pretty amazed at your ability to homeschool.... though I will admit I probably have quite a few misconceptions myself ;)