Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Being that I am the queen of analogies (often bad ones...)

I love this -

THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: The Wild Child ::

Domesticated animals confined to farms, zoos, and
similar unnatural habitats lack a certain "spark"
found in their wild counterparts. They've been bred
or trained to live apart from their nature. They've
adjusted to their lack of freedom.

Put a wild animal in a cage for the first time and
behold the fury! What else would you expect from a
creature who still knows it's supposed to be free?

Children are born free and wild, and they don't
readily submit to "domestication." And thank Goodness
for that! Because those who retain that spark are the
ones who will uplift humanity in generations to come.

Today, look for evidence of the spark of wildness in
your child... and *celebrate* it! Trust that s/he will
civilize in due time. And in the meantime, let that
spark ignite the flames of an authentic, passionate life.

1 comment:

Mid-life Midwife said...

I've awarded you with the Honest Scrap award. :) Go to my blog to check it out and share the love!