Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I've been awarded!

M, over at The Urban Homesteader awarded me this fine Honest Scrap Award.
Apparently, I now need to divulge ten honest things about myself and then pass the award on to "a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.”

Ok here we go...

1. I will open up to most anyone but trust very few. I have very little to hide - it almost borders on personality turrets.

2. I suffer from extreme post social anxiety which used to hinder my daily functioning (I dropped out of Michigan State University from social anxiety) but I have learned to deal by driving my husband crazy with post social processing.

3. I was physically allergic to the word "dating" symptoms included cringing, increased heart rate, nausea, immediate desire to run away and hide, flushed, nervous twitching and avoiding eye contact.

4. I NEVER imagined I would be married and a mother.

5. I really miss traveling and hope to take up that hobby again someday. Global tromping is a dream/goal (and not like a "tourist").

6. I want to play the cello and sing in a Threshold Choir

7. I am a little obsessed with death, always have been from a young age. I see hospice in my future someday.

8. Making art is my Ritalin. (and yes I have been labeled ADD - big surprise, i know)

9. I find great satisfaction in cooking and feeding people good food.

10. I have no clue how I got so damn lucky to be married to the most amazing man (for me) on the planet. I am so blessed. I do not deserve it sometimes.

11. I am torn between being an extroverted introvert.

12. I am surprisingly anti-authority as an adult (but not in a bad way). Preferring to function outside of the system on my own terms swimming up steam. Surprising because I tried so hard for so long to fit in on "the terms" dictated to me but it is in me bones I guess :)

13. This is where #1 and #12 meet...get it?

alrighty... I don't know if I have that many folks to list but here it is

1. Kim Big Sky Mountain
2. Jennifer Life with Girls
3. Brooke all My Favorite Things
4. Stacey Dandilions are Life
5. Wendy Frenzied Wren
6. Nat Injection Reflections
7. Stephanie A breastfeeding Mom's Journal
8 Grace Blue Cloud Cloth (just to be redundant)
9. Betsie And Another Thing
10. Jen No Teachign Only Learning

XO ~Kate


Anonymous said...

I love your list. I'm surprised at the social anxiety part, though. :)

Jennifer said...

Hey there- just wanted you to know that I saw this and plan to do it but I can't think focus enough to do it until after the trip we are going on in 2 days. I'm glad you are posting more lately- I'm reading! :)