Thursday, February 18, 2010

Flashback and Google Sites

Changing over the laundry this morning I had a memory flashback of something the Monkey said to me when he was little.
It went like this
Mom: 'Monkey, you are driving me nuts.'
Monkey: 'No momma, you drive my nuts!'

This is a great way to start the day.

On another note I must share that I have discovered (it was introduced to me really) Google Sites.

Two other homeschool moms I know showed me this on Tuesday. I was skeptical as I usually am of technology. While at the Tuesday play date I got on my friends computer to check it out. By the end of the afternoon I had set the monkey up with his homeschool website complete with the weeks schedule, his school work for each day, a list of links to his school work sites, a clock, a calendar, and a virtual spider. By the end of the day I had created another page on the site for a house calendar so everyone in the house can be on the same page (we have 3 adults in our house, we live with my mother). By the end of last night I added a page for the Bean complete with Her websites, vocabulary list and pictures of cats. I also added a Cafeteria site that lists our food deliveries, Door to Door and Calder and there is a grocery list for everyone to add to when they see we are out of anything. Then I though to make a chores page called the TaskMaster with lists of household chores, hourse maintenance, and long term project. Tonight I want to add a page that lists the places we have memberships to and when those memberships expire. For example - zoo's, museums, parks and rec, websites, etc.

This is all stuff I have on lists all over the place, including my head. My hope (!) Is that this will help me organize and RELAX as we walk through our ridiculously busy days. I often get my hopes up that things will make our life more managable but this time maybe....just will be true.

1 comment:

Jen said...