Monday, July 09, 2007

today is my birthday. i am 32 although i do not feel a year older because i have been thinking i am 32 for most of the last year. so i am just 32 again.
it was a day of catching fish in a net, leeches in a bucket and sunburned cheeks. ella got stung form picking up a dead bee- poor nugget.
my dad took me out to joes crab shack (my choice since the kids were with me and donn had school). it was good although i found out the hard way that if you go to joes crab shack for your birthday they make you have you put on a hat, hawaiian shirt and hoola hoop in front of the whoel restaurant as they sing you happy birthday. it was very painful and my dad took photos.


Kim said...

i am officially subscribed! and again, belated beautiful birthday. yes, it does seem that bdays lose their intensity as the years pass. i can't help but thinking 40 is 3 years away, instead of i'll 37. wierd. love ya.

frog said...

I had no idea that you and my brother share a birthday. How cool is that?