Monday, August 25, 2008

Zombies and Logic

Before I met Big Daddy zombies rarely entered my mind. During our courting period I was told that I had to watch Cemetery Man, Big Daddy's all time favorite film at the time(it still may be but I do not want to make any assumptions on his behalf). At the time my favorite films were those about the Holocaust and Roberto Benigni movies. I thought Cemetery Man was campy and did not appreciate it as I might now being more acclimated to zombies. I can still picture the flies suspended by fishing wire.

Since then I have only been subjected to watch a few other zombie flicks. I am usually not able to sit through the whole thing. The most recent was Zombies Anonymous.

In the evenings Big Daddy will relax by playing Resident Evil on the PSII. Not something I would deem relaxing but to each their own. I usually need to leave the room when he plays. What can I say I am a delicate bird. ;)

Being that we had a boy first it did not take long to our fair child to find a love for zombies like his father. The bean has recently become aware of the zombie undertones in our lives. A few months ago the bean came into the TV room upstairs where Big Daddy and I were hanging out and she was worried about zombies getting her. She was genuinely concerned.

We could not convince her that zombies are not real. So Big Daddy resorted to logic.
-He asked the Bean how zombies walk.
-The bean held her arms out straight and did the zombie walk, she even moaned like a zombie.
-He then asked her "if zombies walk like that how would the open a door to get in the house?"
-She realized that zombies could not open doors and felt better.
-She then trotted off to bed.

Parenting is not as I thought it would be but it makes it that much more interesting.

Next I will post about my children's obsession with amputees. Oh, the conversations we have ;)

1 comment:

Ypsipearl said...

It was after I had my kids that I actually became a zombie.