Monday, February 16, 2009

Thought of the day

I cannot stop thinking about DIRT! Black dirt, brown dirt, dry dirt, mud, worms, bugs...the whole thing.

Over the years I have come to appretiate the seasons of Michigan. They are like the seasons of life. The smaller cycles and the larger cycles. As we are rounding the tail end (I hope) of yet another long winter I sit with my thoughts a bit more than usual. With the holidays passed and birthdays behind us for the winter we are left to wait and think.

I have come to love the hard dark times for what they are which is a learning experience and a wonderful opportunity for growth and change. I do not particularly like them while I am in them, really they are awful and gut wrenching, but I now understand that I can hold on to this blind faith that this too shall pass. Even better I understand now that this too shall pass and if I step back and take time to listen to the universe I may be a better, maybe wiser, or a stronger person on the other side of the darkness.

I used to plow through life head down blinders on pissing and moaning not realizing that I was creating the negativity of which I was reacting to. Kind of like a dog chasing its tail....for what? I thought - to make a difference, to save the world, to.....who knows. What I am finding is that simple kindness to strangers and friends alike and all the other little things make such a difference and to be able to teach that to my children is such a gift.

Sometimes the louder you yell the less people listen but a kind voice with a smile can travel to someones heart with the strength of a tidal wave.

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