Friday, October 02, 2009

Fall is here and..

the plants need to come in. My husbands plants that is - the bromeliads. The broms he is trying to cross breed. He has three petry dishes sprouting in our bedroom, where the racks of 15 frog tanks and grow lights are. They take 3/4 years until you can really see thier characteristics.

It is all very interesting but his hobby does take over the house a bit. Here are two pictures of our south facing bathroom on the first night of a frost warning.
Not to toot my own horn but, I am an awesome wife.

(the big plastic containers are frogs and the little plastic containers are the fruit flies that are breed for the flies.)

1 comment:

kim said...

the picture for your header of the bean is priceless, something from flashdance or fame....

hope all is well