Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Blustery Day

All I could think of yesterday was - while most children are in warm classrooms Jen and I trucked our kids out in the 52 degree rain and wind to go raspberry and apple picking.

The bounty was limited. Who knew the worst day to go berry picking was Monday. I was hell bent for harvest though. I sent Jen in to warm the children with donuts and cider. I was determined to have enough berries to make two jars of jam. With wet to the skin jeans and a cold nose like Rudolph I emerged from the berry patch with one basket of berries, 4 cups to be exact. Just enough for three jars of jam. A great day indeed.

Lesson learned. Never believe someone when they say you will most likely not be able to get any berries. And sometimes the weather man is right.

1 comment:

Grace said...

I was there yesterday!!! Are you going again soon? I was thinking we'd take another trip out there in a couple of weeks so Gretchen can come. :)