Monday, October 12, 2009

I Rocks with Socks

For a long time I have been a knitter but not a pattern reader. I have been a simple knitter. Scarves, hats, mittens (my own patterns from me brain) blankets, nothing fancy.

I also crochet and am working on two monster afghans for he kids. I cast on too many stitches and HATE frogging (tearing out) so I am making two blankets the size of single bed spreads. They are getting to the point where they are getting too bulky to lug around. So I decided to tackle a long desired project - SOCKS!

Remember I said I am not a pattern reader. I have resisted for a long time learning the language of the needles, I still knd of am, but I learned enough to turn a heel of a sock last night.

I started these socks on Thursday evening at 5pm without a pattern. A mom friend at D&D told me how to start. She thought I would be ready to turn the heel by the time I saw her the next week. I was ready to make the heel flap by Friday evening but didn't know what to do. A lovely woman at theater practice tried to talk me through how to turn the heel and I thought I got it. But I didn't and had to rip it out Saturday afternoon when I realized that I was not doing it right and if I was going to make a matching pair of socks I should really do it right. Saturday afternoon I called in the troops, well just a friend who is a wiz knitter and has many books. She came to my rescue and dropped off a simple book for knitting socks. I had to adjust the instructions since I had already started the sock and was not going to start ALL over again. Really I think it was a combination of the verbal help and then the book together made it possible for me to get this far. Thanks Stacey, Betsie and Meridith!!!!!!

I am super geeked to be in the sock knitters club. I feel like the whole world is opening up to me. Whoohoooooo!!!!!!

Oh, and the Monkey is even rooting for me. He wants me to make him Ghostbuster socks. I told him not to hold his breath I am not that cool. He should be thankful I am sewing a Ghostbusters jumpsuit for Halloween. Update on that soon. :) Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said...

Oooo.. those socks are gonna rock! Looking forward to reading more about the ghostbusters costume.. what an awesome idea! Welcome to the sock knitter's club. You're in good company. :-)