Monday, July 02, 2007

i finally down loaded my photos which oddly i hate doing. i am convinced i am doing it the most difficult way possible. but i have pictures to share.

first i will share my evening. i had a barter thing going on tonight of massage for reiki. during the massage or reiki, i dont remember, he had mentioned this modality called gwa-sha . it sounded interesting and he offered for me to come over after the reiki trade and he would work on my back. it was very painful but my back feels great after. on the side i look like i have been dragged on my back behind a i mentioned a few posts ago we put in a pond a couple of weeks ago. now it has plants, tadpoles, fish and more rocks but i do av a picture of the first night after we made it. i will take pictures of how it looks now ans post them later.

it looks even better with all the plants and stuff. if you are in town stop by and check it out!!

another development this week that i found interesting- i went back to the dr. whom had terrible bedside manner and freaked me out a bit, triggering a whole bunch of old shit. in this visit my blood work was fine (not dying of anything that the blood tests and a bit off pee can see) and i asked him about homeopathics (this is why i go to him - the only dr. covered by my ins that knows homeopathics) , constitutional remedies to be exact. i have been interested in what my constitutional remedy is, due to my moodiness, joint issues, anxiety and ______ (anyone who knows me can fill in the blank with something that could be fixed, i am sure). Upon asking he pegged me immediately as calcarea carbonica (calc carb). described as -

This remedy is made from calcium carbonate, which is derived from the oyster shell. The type of person needing this remedy is quiet, cautious and very sensitive. Generally they are very healthy and enthusiastic in their work. In contrast, when they become ill, they become introspective and lacking motivation.

The Calc. carb type is generally plump, chilly and under-active. Perhaps due to a slow metabolism, they are sluggish and have a shy contemplative nature. They tend to be unambitious and non-competitive and are great procrastinators. They lack confidence and avoid responsibility.

They can have a big appetite with a liking for sweets, cakes and eggs and be overweight. They are easily tired and can suffer with head sweats or joint abnormalities.

Weak areas of the body include the bones and teeth, bowels, ears, nose and throat, glands and skin

Calc. carb is often used to treat back and joint pains, headaches, ear or eye infections, eczema, thrush, digestion, PMS.

this might explain my dr.'s obsession with my weight. i dont fit the description all around but when i took it the next day it was like someone gave me an antidepressant. it is pretty neat. i am feeling different in a good way. like someone cleared a layer of sludge off my brain. unfortunately i cannot take any remedies for at least a week after taking the calc carb 1M so no arnica 200 for my back which was a bummer today. but i would rather feel like being nice to my kids and have back pain than the other way around.

these are our geckos having sex-

our cool sandcastle-

my daughter :)

chinese labor herbs from a birth a couple of months ago-

that is the photo update from whooville. ;)

1 comment:

Kim said...

hey sweetie, i love the photos! and now that i have two of my favorite people on blogger, i subscribed to your RSS feeds. love ya