Thursday, October 25, 2007


wtf? my son is 6 and the neighbor girl is putting the moves on him in their garage. the monkey told me
she said:
"are you thinking what i am thinking?" (as she walked into the garage)
he said:
"uh..... sure."
then she kisses him on the lips. and he said he freaked out and ran home.

this was a few weeks ago i guess. then today we had a play date and the monkey kissed his play friend (a girl) good bye on the lips as she was leaving. seeing this i was compelled to ask if that was his first kiss. he replied no and told me of the incident above. then asked if that was the first time he kissed his play friend today. he replied no he kissed her earlier int he day while they were hiding from the bean in the shower stall. i asked who initiated it and he said he kissed her and she freaked out and ran out of the bathroom saying she had to go to the bathroom.

we talked and i think i handled it pretty well. we did lay down the guidelines that you have to ask someone if you can kiss them before you lay a wet one on them. the whole conversation i must say was really adorable. he blushed and had a cute little embarrassed but proud smile.

now if my neighbors could curb their daughters fast track ways (hannah montana style i can only assume by this said 6 year old girls obsession with the show, the music and anything hannah montana)

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