Monday, October 22, 2007


do you hear that? it is me decompressing.

oh my goodness i have been wound so tight the past few weeks the littlest thing could throw me into tears or rage. yesterday big daddy took the monkeys to the in-laws for the day and i got to work on my much overdue project. after a surprisingly easy time at my project i popped up to the corner brew early for the book meeting and found some other friends there. a few beers later i cut myself off and moved to coca-cola.

honestly i cannot remember the last time i had a day off from the kids (not including births). it has pretty much been full on since at least spring. not good.

funny thing is that i was on the phone two days ago counseling a new mom about taking care of herself so she can take care of her family. as the words came out of my mouth i was kicking myself in my head - why is it so hard to take care of ourselves, to ask for what we need or just to ask for help (i am terrible at that last one).

i actually feel like i can deal with the world today. thanks big daddy.

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