Saturday, December 08, 2007

ask and ye shall receive

so i prayed for some clients and they came calling. yay. perfect timing with the holidays. there is something about the simple magic of the universe that amazes me sometimes.

today we tried to make "ginger bread" houses out of graham crackers and the like and they ended up looking more like post katrina ginger bread houses. but the kids had messy fin so all is well.

yesterday i sent off the ever dreaded outline project for proofing. so far it looks good i think. it will soon be sent for the official stamp of approval and out of my mind for a bit. a year long headache done!

the other big project has at least been started and i have chosen to take a new out look of "it is not the end of the world". if i send it in and get it back for revisions so be it. but i am a freaky anal perfectionist at times so this is a lesson in letting go.

the bean tonight was afraid of the monsters and big daddy and she got into a discussion of how zombies actually cannot open doors because they do the (the bean demonstrates) arms out forward with the "uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh" sound. so we are safe along with the anti monster dust we have ever where.

i recently signed up for online bill pay. i was against it for a ling time. there is something about physically sending a bill out that made me feel better. i must say though since doing this bills are so much easier although i have not mastered the balancing method yet. i had a great balancing method before (not perfect but it was a method) and finding mew rituals for chores is not an easy change.

speaking of i need to go work on my new ritual.

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