Friday, February 22, 2008

it dawned on me

i was chauffeuring the kids around the other day and my brain was a-buzzing on many things then it popped into my head that:

if one is pro-choice on the abortion issue then one should also be pro-elective c-section.

elective c-section is where a mother can ask for a c-section for no reason other than choice. it is a topic of debate since the c-section rate is now at 31% and rising. many think of it like electing for cosmetic surgery. but many of these women do not do it for looks but from fear, misinformation or even convenience. not all mind you some do it for health issues

i am not a fan of elective c-section but it is a womans choice of how she brings the baby into the world. just like it should be her choice whether to bring the child into the world at all. it is not my place to dictate to others what is right for them i can only be supportive and offer information.

1 comment:

Mid-life Midwife said...

this is exactly why I didn't do that protest in front of Royal Oak Beaumont a few years ago when they decided to support elective cesareans. I got into all kinds of fights about the issue. But it all comes down to a woman's right to choose whatever is right for HER body.