Saturday, February 23, 2008

spring is creeping in..maybe.

PUZZLE DONE!! now off to get puzzle glue and hang it on the wall. i have carried this puzzle around for 10 years started it 4 or 5 different times but with small kids it was not a good idea. so ten years later it is done and only one piece is missing.

the bathroom is sluggin along. i didnt touch it today. could not tear myself away from the puzzle.

my garden is on my brain. it will be a year of canning, freezing and tinctures. planning on how much we can grow and where. our soil is crap so i am thinking container garden and a lot on normal street.
i did find a meat csa that i need to follow up on. apparently you would get a mixed box of meat a month. (i just love the way that sounds ;) it is on my todo list to call calder and get on their delivery list. i have been doing door to door organics and i am going to hold on to that until the markets open. with the whole local thing i cannot imagine giving up bananas and avocados.
i did bust out my bread maker and for some reason it is making some poopy bread that turns into a cruton in 12 hours. so i have to dink around with that or just get into the old fashioned way of making bread. but the nice thing with the bread maker is that i can make pasta dough- another one of my goals. and super bonus the ypsi coop carries local (w/in 100 miles) flour. i still want to take my kids out there one day. it is about a 45 minute drive to linden mi but if i tie it into a visit to the fenton ladies then they will be all on board.

all this food talk is motivating me to do my pantry remodel i have wanted to do and i did buy an electric nail gun yesterday (for my mom) so we are good to go. all i need is my mason jars and freezer bags and a jug of five o'clock vodka (for tinctures).

i see a kitchen overhaul in the future but first things first - the bathroom.

1 comment:

Christa said...

so you are making your own tinctures, huh? growing your own herbs?
I made shepherds purse tincture when I was up at MI School of Traditional Midwiferys retreat last summer. Kinda fun.