Monday, January 28, 2008

neti pot

i have heard of these strange things for years. i remember the six feet under episode where ruth explains what a neti pot is - i was fascinated but not enough to try one.

since my recent invasion of my person by viruses and bacteria unknown i have had a lingering infection of sorts in my left maxillary sinus. leaving me with mild pain/annoyance of the sinus cavity and the upper left molars and occasional ill tasting snot but no stuffiness fortunately. occasionally i would get the nagging fear of an infection penetrating into my brain like a nasal botfly in a wildebeest.

being at the end of my rope with this "sick" thing i busted out and got a neti pot. i was good and read all the instructions (somewhat unusual for me) since i had a great fear of gagging or choking while attempting to irrigate my sinus cavities. (which i did a bit and donn came in to see if i was ok only to turn and gag himself at my watery snot puddling into the sink) side one was a but clumsy and i kept checking in the mirror to see if i was doing it right, hence the choking from ill head positioning. side two on the other hand you would think i was a master.

when done i did as i was told - "gently blow your nose" and i think i heard the angles sing. my tooth pain had lifted and my sinuses felt good for the first time since 2007!

so i am sold on the neti pot and once i am done with all the "nasal wash" packets from my SinuCleanse kit i will be looking into investing in my own REAL neti pot of my own.

now the question is the next time my kids get snotty will i be able to talk them into trying it???

ok, i had to include the "cool neti pot with hot chick" photo.

off the beaten track. if you want to see a botfly being removed from a human eye click here


ypsipearl said...

Mmmm, dried barbequed botfly!

Kim said...

neti pots are awesome, dave broke my handmade pottery one right before we left new yourk :(

okay - the botfly/eye was so freakin' gross and awesome at the same time. i shrunk in disgust, but couldn't stop looking at it!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!