Friday, February 08, 2008

photo update in the new year

i am not too sure about this 2008 thing. we got off to a bumpy start but here are some highlights so far.

there was the monkeys birthday party that was once canceled. it was a bug theme and in the dish of the party was salt and vinegar crickets and barbeque larvae. and yes both my boys ate them with relish. i was not so adventurous. the monkey is really into watching bizarre foods on the travel channel. now he is on his way to his own bizzare food show. the good thing is that i could get him to eat most anything if i just present it as a "bizzare food".

the bean inherited the now forever to be kept devil pjs. believe it or not but just 10 minutes before this photo the monkey was wearing these pjs. yes he wore a size 4T pj until he was 7. he could not quite snap the crotch but wore it with pride hood and all. this was a big moment. (btw that is my bedroom wall of shocking terror in the backgroud- yes it needs to be painted in all my free time)

here is my beautiful monkey boy who turned 7 this year! i am so proud of him and the young man he is. with a heart the size of china. he loves animals (of course), science, math, drawing and is teaching himself how to read. and then there is the funky tooth. he feels like he is a shark with his two rows of teeth.

and i baked pies and chocolate chip bacon cookies. the cookies were devoured before they were able to be photographed. but they were good. the pie was made with brookes amazing crust recipe that the monkey raved over when she brought us food during "the illness". i just love the "bake-king" pan- i dont know where it came from so if it is yours i will wrestle you for it if you want it back.


Zoe the Wonder Dog said...

Okay, Brooke, I can't take it... share the crust recipe!!!

ypsipearl said...

I'm afraid that angel flying your head is about to be impaled on Donn's hair.

birdy.j said...

that is so sweet. I mean it- SO SWEET. I felt all warm and fuzzy after reading it. I know you won't accept this compliment, but you are such a good mom!!! Seriously. Will you be my mom?

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