Sunday, January 03, 2010

Last day of the Staycation

It is the last day of our family staycation. We are topping it off with friends over for a daddy burrito dinner. Bitter sweet it is to get back to the routines of life. I have LOVED having big daddy home. It has been great to reconnect. With his work and school schedule and my work schedule and the kids our life is a never ending fly by.

This week I let the house go to crap. I tossed the To Do list out the window and relaxed for what seems like the first time in 10 years. I didn't clean up from Christmas morning for about three or four days. There were sleep overs, late nights at friends houses, and a bunch of nothing doing.

Extended staycations are now on the family to do list. It is a great recharge to get through the fly by times. Big daddy and I are much better when we actually see eachother and can spend time together. It is good to know we still got it - Whew!

I am looking forward to 2010. It seems like we are/ have been morphing into the next phase of our family life. We are the parents of kids. There are no babies in the house. We are all reconnecting and finally getting on the same page. I am geeked for what is to come.

This coming year is the last year of single digits for the Monkey and it is our tenth wedding anneversary. Whoohoo!

I am starting to plan the garden of 2010. We are getting a quarter cow for the first time in mid-January. I am really looking into sustainable composting for our family and calling in help from seasoned verterans. I am as always looking at how we homeschool and what works (lol). I am rediscovering myself. I am rediscovering music. I am getting OWL (Our Whole Lives - sexuality education training) trained this March. I am on call for 4 births total this year, one of which is a twin birth which will be my first. We are going to try ot get down to Kansas City to visit my sister-in-law and her family for the first time and hopefully up to Marquette to visit the other sister-in-law and her family. I am going to start making jewelry again this year. With great help The Birth Project will grow and become the amazing presence (thanks to the help of the amazing Jenna Brand).

t will be a great year and a superb start to the next decade of amazingness.

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