Thursday, January 21, 2010

Savory Oatmeal

My breakfast has become ritual. A ritual most everyone makes that scrunched up EWWW face at. Most folks think of oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins, or some other sweet item. I think of oatmeal with and over easy egg, Franks hot sauce, a diced tomato and a little garlic salt. YUM!

This has been my breakfast almost everyday for 5 months. Today I have no eggs and I am sad. So instead of eating it I am writing about it.

I miss you hot egg oatmeal breakfast. You make me feel so good through the day and Frank, you give me the boost I need to wake up in the morning. Today I must settle for leftover sour cream pineapple cake (Grandma McPherson's recipe). So sad I am that I am not having my hot egg oat love. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you! I don't check here a couple of weeks and you've posted all over the place... I'll have to catch up.

So anyway, I make a "YUM!" face at this post, because I have savory oats/polenta all the time! I'll have to try this with hot sauce though. Usually I do an egg with butter and whatever veggie I feel like thawing and throwing in there. I mix it up a lot. mmmm. Folks don't know what they're missin.