Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Lightning Theif

I am so EXCITED! The Monkey and I started reading this book today. We whipped through 5 chapters and I wanted more more more. It was so inspiring that we went to the library this afternoon to get books on Greek gods to further inform ourselves on the characters.

It is the first book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan and no offense to J.K. Rowling I am liking it better than H.P. I know it is just the beginning but I have not come across a book that captured me like this in a looooong time. The two of us were on the edge of our seat. I am seriously resisting reading ahead after the kids go to sleep. I know though I am a one time reader (unlike my husband and others I know who read books again and again and again). I think one time reading is a possible trait of a slow reader. I am a snail slow reader but I seem to get more than the speedy folk. Slow and steady gets the details. So that being said and the fact that this is definitely a story I want to experience with my kids - I shall resist the temptation of reading ahead.

Apparently I just learned that they made a movie of this book that is scheduled to come out February 12th. It looks like we hopped on this gravy train just in time.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am halfway through the last book myself now- my kids weren't too interested so I plowed through them myself! :) The first one was almost too Harry Potter-esque for my taste, but they get less so (and therefore better) as the series goes on. I'm enjoying learning about all the mythology too.