Friday, January 15, 2010

Not My Placenta...

Yesterday we had a lovely play date with some new friends. While they visited I made Moosewood's Russian Cabbage Borscht. There was more than enough to share with our guests so I jarred some up for her and decided to make a grocery bag for her from our freezer bounty from the summer. Verde, Glut sauce, Greens and even a can of jalapaneos.

As I was digging through the garage freezer I found in the back a plastic target bag. Hmmmm.... what could that be. I dug back and brought it out for further inspection. It looked like two bags of pureed berries (the lighting was bad) or meat or just a mystery item. Then I flipped it over to find an umbilical cord. A placenta!
They aren't mine though. That is a mystery. I think either they are from the placenta workshop I hostes a couple of years back or they are from my friend who could have thrown them in there when she came over once for a play date. (coming from births that is)

(my husband just told me that in the white tubs in the freezer are frozen pipa pipa's which are underwater frogs otherwise known as surnam toads - why are they frozen i asked. the answer - because they are cool. and apparently there is the carcass of a dove that died from flying into our kitchen window four years ago...... I thought we burried that a couple years ago, apparently not.)

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