Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Book Club

It has been a summer of reading for me. This is new since I have always seemed to struggle with reading, but it has been great!

I joined a book club - first meeting I went but did not read the book. Second meeting I went having read half the book. Third meeting I missed but didn't read the book. Fourth meeting I went and i skimmed the book. Fifth meeting I went and I read the book. Sixth meeting I will be going having read the book since I recommended it. Now this may not sound like a successful run in the book club but really for me it is. I must note though that I had been listening to all the Harry Potters in the car this year with Sam and Ella but I have been informed by my husband that if you listen to a book you are not reading it - I told him to keep that thought to himself.

So the book I recommended was Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. My mom recommended it and said she laughed out loud. Now very little makes me laugh out loud (although a podcast of The Moth yesterday did but I can talk about that later). I have not laughed out loud but it has hit a soft spot for me and has made me really reassess how I look at this crazy life I live.

I have read my share of Thich Nhat Hahn but this book takes all those teachings and puts it in a delightful story that my overloaded brain can handle. So I am trying to mindfully put down my calendar and play chess with my son when he asks. I try to stop processing the mountain of tomatoes from the harvest and sit and color with Ella. I try to be present when hanging out watching Psych with my darling husband. I try to make it a priority to make art again and stop being so damned "responsible".

I think I have really been over doing this grown up thing. Some can pull it off well but I am realizing me trying to be a grown up is like a blind gorilla trying to be a dentist. So I am going to go back to what I am good at, it will take some time, there are 10 years of de-programming to do. It will not be easy and I will stumble but the best journeys are along the stumbly path.


Jennifer said...

I've been reading a lot more this year too and I know what you mean- it was slow going for me to get into it but I am so glad I've done it. Good for us!

I'm going to check this one out- sounds like good stuff. Thanks for the recommendation!

Kathi said...

I *sooooooo* disagree with Donn that listening to a book doesn't count as reading it! FWIW, I know several librarians who disagree as well, and I have actually looked a bit into the cognitive value of audiobooks--Listening Library does a recording (of course!) all about audiobooks which includes Henry Winkler talking about being dyslexic and saying what a difference it can make to have literature available in the form that's most accessible (which is different for different people...) LMK if you want to borrow that. Audiobooks are hugely important in our family and integral to my children's education; it really rankles me when folks suggest it's "not really reading" (besides, it's their loss if they've never savored listening to Jim Dale!!!!)

I wanted to thank you for recommending Breakfast with Buddha, I *really* enjoyed it. I just started another book by the same author and not liking that as much; I think BWB was special. And I'm glad you're in book club even if you don't always get around to reading the book! ;-)