Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Shutdown

This past weekend was super social and super productive.

The sewing bug has crawled up my pant leg again and I am so excited. This weekend I whipped up a closet curtain for the Bean's closet since it is very difficult for her to open her doors. I also made a half curtain for our bedroom. I am still looking for complimentary fabric to recover our bed pillows. I also tossed together a cute little hand bag, for whom I am not sure. Last, and what I am still working on is a shower curtain and matching window curtain for the upstairs bathroom.

I will post pictures very soon. I wanted to get them hung first before I post but I cannot seem to find time to get up to the store to get rods. It will happen soon though or I will explode.

As far as the social butterfly action this weekend it was crazy. Friday was an impromptu hanging out and watching Ghostbusters with friends. Saturday was a dinner party with friends and Sunday was a going away party for a woman I had met only a few times but who was living with a lovely friends of ours. It all was a bit too much but nice to see people.

I am very thankful for the great people in our lives and all the love they give but part of me just wanted to hole up and sew all weekend long. It was definitely a hyper focused weekend on sewing. It is my meditation. It allows my brain to shut off for a bit. It makes me happy.

1 comment:

Jen said...

make me miss my sewing bug... i've got the reading bug, and BAD!