Thursday, September 03, 2009

My 60 year old self

Tonight at the Doula Collective meeting Jenna told us about the best comforting exercise that she made up in college when she was having a hard time.

In times of stress or distress or sadness or whenever imagine your (she said 40 year old self but I find my 60 year old self more appropriate) 60 year old self giving your current self a hug. She, knowing that this time you are in will pass and she knows how it will work out, she is there to comfort you through this time. Because really no one knows us better than we know ourselves. How wonderful. What a great exercise for self love and respect.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh my. That actually brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I agree- my 40 year old self might not be as comforting (since she is barely in the future!) but my 60 year old self has seen the end of the tunnel that is child rearing!

You know, in a different twist on this idea, I have felt almost like my current self is reaching back and giving my 20 year old self a hug- whenever I talk to and encourage a new young mother who hasn't had any of the experiences, failures, and triumphs of motherhood yet.

Thank you so much for sharing this today. I needed to hear it.