Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grocery Day

Grocery day was yesterday. This time of year it is much more that just going to a grocery store.

We went to the wonderful Ann Arbor farmers market first. The kids bought $1 snow cones from a lovely woman Carol who just shined with pleasure at giving the kids this cold yummy treat. I made three trips to the car, having to drop off produce so I could go get more. Cabbage, Apples, carrots, radishes, leeks, raspberries, lettuce, two dozen eggs, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, patty pans, onions, potatoes, melon and of course apple cider.

Then we went out to the garden. My intent was to just get more kale (to make kale chips of course!) but I found more tomatoes, melon, zucchini, green peppers and a few beets. I made sure I walked right past the ever producing jalapeno plants. I still have a whole big bowl in the garage fridge to process.

Finally it was off to Trader Joe's for the rest - Milk, cheese, chips, salsa (the kind the kids will eat), and a few other things. Although we may sign up again for home Calder Dairy delivery... we miss Stan the delivery man and the great milk, sour cream, cottage cheese.....I am drooling just thinking about it. If you live in SE Michigan and you have not tried Calder products you are missing out on some Michigan greatness!

When I got home it took me almost two hours to put away and clean up all the food to be stored. It was lovely.

When I was done I felt so good and full and blessed. Good food makes me happy.

Tonight for dinner - sauteed patty pan with carrot, onion and garlic with a side of tomato mozzarella basil salad. Happy Happy Happy.

(and I whipped up two jars of raspberry jam- yummy!)

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