Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kale Chips

Kale Chips is what you do when you have kale here, kale there kale EVERYWHERE!

I have enough kale blanched and frozen to last us all winter. Although I may be the only one eating it - yummy yummy with a little Frank's Red Hot Sauce.

I thought I may have a better chance of my family embracing kale in chip form. Everyone in my house loves chips. Green chips, do you think they bought it? Um, no. But I am in love.

So being that I am not a recipe person most of the time here is how I did it.

1. Wash kale and check for bugs n' stuff. Spin or pat it dry.

2. Remove the leaves from the center stem.

3. Tear up into pieces about the size of a chip, like a tortilla chip not a Frito or chocolate chip.

4. Toss them in a big bowl with a enough olive oil to lightly cover (less than you think so be careful) and a dash of salt or garlic salt. You can get creative with cumin, or chili powder as you get used to making it.

5. Lay out one layer on a cookie sheet.

6. Place in a 350 degree preheated oven for about 10 minutes or so. Until the edges are just starting to turn brown. Be aware that if you pull it out too early it will be soggy and not chippy.

7. Remove from sheet onto paper towel to soak up some of the excess oil.

8. Present on a colorful complimentary plate and EAT UP!

Check out for your own kale t-shirt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so easy to grow, and so delicious. so plentiful! thanks kate!!!!