Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Thought of the Day

This is something I posted elsewhere when talking about my issue of tackling religious discourse with others of differing opinion, with my kids, and how to handle those who differ in opinion and call you stupid for your beliefs.

we teach violence is not allowed. we teach respect for others beliefs even if they disagree and conflict with our own. we teach agreeing to disagree. we teach empathy for others and that their need to share their opinion that our beliefs are stupid may come from a place of strong conviction to their own beliefs which our beliefs may threaten. We teach to have understanding that they may not have the right or more respectful words to convey that our beliefs make them uncomfortable. we teach open minded respectful discourse if that can be achieved by both parties. we teach to be open to ever changing thought and new ideas.
now i am aware that when getting into deeper topic of racism, the holocaust and other crimes against humanity things are more complicated but for now we keep it simple in our house.

Yes, this happened today in the neighborhood, and Sam being very into right and wrong and sound and just, needed to process. It didn't help that the other kid was unrelenting and then got a little physical. But in the end the boy went home and the day went on. Whew, the world is a tough place to figure out.

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